
Gas delivery devices and monitors

Air/oxygen blenders and gas mixers

Blender V03800A

Blender V10030A

Blender V03803T

Bird ® high flow air/oxygen blender These air/oxygen blenders are ideal for use with ventilators and provide flows to a flowmeter or as a stand-alone device for mask CPAP, nasal cannulas and resuscitation bags. The blenders have an overall flow range of 2 to 120 L/min and can deliver accurate FiO 2 mixtures from two outlet ports. An alarm activation and bypass feature is triggered when the supply gas pressures differ by 20 ± 2 psi. Blender V10030A is made entirely of nonmagnetic materials and is specifically designed for use in MRI environments.

Bird OmniBlender air/oxygen blender This air/oxygen blender is designed for a variety of applications. It features three outlet ports that help provide combined flows from 2 to 100 L/min, enabling you to power three separate items at once. An alarm activation and bypass feature is triggered when the supply gas pressures differ by 20 ± 2 psi.

Specifications Outlet flow range

2 to 100 L/min


± 3%

Specifications Outlet flow range

Bleed flow

10 to 12 L/min continuous

Gas supply pressure range

2 to 120 L/min

30 to 75 psig



± 3%

3.5" x 3.4" x 3.6"

Bleed flow


10 to 12 L/min continuous

3.0 lbs

Gas supply pressure range

30 to 75 psig

Cat. no.

Mfr. no. 03803T


Inlet fittings


3.5" x 3.4" x 3.6"


OmniBlender air/oxygen blender



2.75 lbs

Cat. no.

Mfr. no.


Inlet fittings

V03800A V10030A

03800A High flow air/oxygen blender (US) 10030A MRI high flow air/oxygen blender


Give your patients the air they need. Our extensive Air Life portfolio of respiratory system solutions empowers physicians and clinicians to achieve the highest quality of patient therapy. Whether your patients are ventilated or breathing on their own, Air Life consumables, along with a broad offering of products from our strategic partners, help address your cross-contamination concerns in today’s healthcare environment. Our respiratory system products also provide essential tools to drive efficiencies, maximize clinical goals and increase patient comfort.


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